Wednesday, December 5, 2007


Digestive System: Not enough info about Squidwards' digestive system but like other animals, he eats and takes poop.

Circulatory System: Squiudward has an open circulatory system.highly detailed heart, arterial flow to and venous flow from fingers, toes and organs, to the base of the brain and through the cranium and face.

Nervous System: A squid has a very complex nervous system compared to most invertebrates. Having They have a large brain that coordinates and stores information received around its environment. Also, by using their giant nerve fibers, they can rapidly conduct impulses, which allows them to capture their prey at great velocities.

Excretory System: The excretory system of a squid if also known as a metanephridium, which consists of a ciliated funnel opening into the body cavity and to a duct which opens to its exterior. These ciliated tubes assist in the pumping out waste products.

Reproductive System: The reproduction in squids is external - where the male uses a modified arm to transfer a spermatophore to the female.

Integumentary System: Squidward's integumentary system consists of an enclosed in the mantle with two fins each side. Squidward's skin is similar to a skin of an octopus, it is covered in chromatophores, which enables squidward to change and blend to their surrouundings.

Squidward's is a special squid on the count of that he lives in a rock and plays a flute. But the original relatives that squids have is that they are found living close to the shores. Some squids are able to camouflage and blend so they are more likely to be found in the rocks and or in the sand.

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