Thursday, August 30, 2007


Ok, seeing the moon turn bloody red was the coolest thing in the world. Though the BORING amelia earhart presentation made me not see the transformation of the BLOODY moon, i had fun looking at it. We spotted at smiling cove where it was pitch black. It was so easy to find the moon and all the stars around it.
Since i took the astronomy class led by Mr. Phillips, i learned that the redness of the moon is caused by the rays of the sun curving out to the surface of the earth which shines in the moon causing the moon to be bloddy red. Lunar eclipse is also easy to understand. It's when the moon, sun, and the earth are alined together but the earth will be in the middle. There is another eclipse called Solar ecclipse where the moon, sun, and earth are alined, but, this time, the moon is in the middle.

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